
REGISTER HERE: https://4h.zsuite.org/external-event-registration/20642

Gilmer County 4-H Camp 2023

Sunday, June 25th - Thursday, June 29th 

Age Guidelines: Campers must be 9 (by June 30, 2023).

Theme: B.eing O.ur B.est - The Year of BOB

Join Gilmer County 4-H and friends for a week of long adventure at Gilmer Recreation Center.  Campers participate in week-long workshops; build teamwork and leadership skills within their tribes; engage with guest speakers during hand-on assemblies; experience an array of opportunities to develop and master new skills; as well as learn lifelong habits for a healthier life. 

Payments -  Camp cost will be $140 for the week!  While day campers will be permitted, the cost will remain the same.  Check payments should be made out to Gilmer County 4-H Leaders Association (GC4-HLA) and mailed to WVU Extension Gilmer County, Attention: Jamie Mullins at P.O. Box 310, Glenville, WV 26351.  Some need-based scholarships are available; please submit request with registration.

REGISTER HERE: https://4h.zsuite.org/external-event-registration/20642